Monday, April 4, 2011

Sciece Fiction Story

 July 16th 2011:
            Today has been an extreme break through kind of day. For the past five years now I have been studying aliens; their encounters, their trails left behind, and their sightings around the world. It was tonight that everything has now come together. I was sitting on my back porch, the time was about 12:30 pm, when out of the middle of nowhere in the big black sky, a flash of what looked like lightning came shooting out of the sky. I knew that it was not lightning because the light zapped down but then shined on a specific spot, not moving for about 2 minutes. My mouth dropped at the site of this. The light was extremely bright, but the strike was dead silent. Coming from the sky was a faint green light at the source of the bright, beaming strobe light. I wanted to go get my video camera but didn’t want to miss anything. I have captured a picture on my phone for evidence but the light was so intense the picture turns out a shining white.
 July 17th 2011:
            I met with my friend Gregory Smirnoff for lunch today. He works with the CIA and is extremely involved at the white house. He was in the military for awhile but while on leave took up a job with the CIA. Now he is studying intensively on aliens and creatures from outer space to help provide answers to the public on their sightings of foreign creatures. Gregory has always giving me insight on things he has been working on but nothing as extensive as what he told me today. He claims that the government is working with the aliens. They have come up with a way to communicate with them and have become allies with the aliens to try and take over the world. The government wants to wipe out massive amounts of people to start fresh with a new way of life. Advancements in technology and weapons, ways of eating and life would all be renewed in the wipeout of the universe. I was in shock when I heard this come out of my best friend’s mouth. At first I didn’t believe it but now it is really starting to sink in. I am worried for my life.
July 18th 2011:
            I cannot believe how fast word can travel. I am now on a flight to Italy, hoping it will buy me some time. The CIA found out that Gregory leaked word of their mass destruction and ally plans with the aliens. It turns out the Gregory had shared this information not just with me but with all his family and friends. He said he did it to keep them all safe. Instead it was just the opposite. Searches have gone out to capture the ones Gregory had told about the secret information. That is why I am on this plane to Italy. I need more research and more evidence to convince others that what the U.S has going on behind walls is true.
July 20th 2011:
            I cannot remember what happened to me yesterday. The last thing that I can recall is stepping off the airplane and experiencing intense heat along with an extreme bright light. I am in an unfamiliar place. There is gas blowing out of pipes and many different pieces of equipment that I have never been exposed to before. Lights are dim and all I have with me is the clothes on my back and the journal and pen in my hand. It is like I am an animal trapped inside a cage. I am very afraid.
July 23rd 2011:
It is cold where I am and I am very hungry. Last night I heard noises coming from the hallway that is right down from where I am being held captive. I can see glowing from down the hall way and small foreign noises in the distance. Still there is not a sight of any human. I do not know where I am and will probably die in the near future. If you find this journal please do not destroy it, it is the only thing left of me on this earth.
July 24th 2011:
            I am utterly speechless as to what has happened to me today. Yes I am back in my cage but I saw aliens in the flesh, along with humans, secret service men of the United States. I am appalled that they are using me for my information and are holding me captive. I find out that I am in a space ship run by aliens. The humans took me out of my cage last night to feed me. The sat me down and demanded answers. How did I find out about aliens, where did I get my information? All these questions I couldn’t answer for the fact that it was my information and to help save my friends butt. Now that I am exposed to who is keeping my hostile I will no longer be able to live a normal life again.
July 26th 2011:
            Everyone demands answers. They hit me, taunt me, tease me, and threaten me for answers. I am nearing breaking my edge. Next time they ask me questions I will answer them. I give myself no choice but to cave in rather than be beat and brutalized.  
July 28th 2011:
            Yesterday I was asked questions and had no choice but to answer. They accepted what I had to say but never believed what I had to say. They still tortured me and taunted me but once I started to give them answers about how I had been tracking alien encounters for the past 10 years they started listen. I had told them about how I had seen bright lights just days before I was taken and how the etchings in the streets of New York City matched up with what I had read in books and on the internet. They had recorded everything that I had said and kept me locked in a room for me to sit and think about more information that I could tell them.
August 2nd 2011:
            The aliens are almost human like. They look just like humans, their body statures are a little taller then what a normal human would be and their hair is very dark brown. When they get angry their mouths open extremely large and their fangs shoot out of their mouth. The way they exercise is they battle each other. One usually ends up critically injured or killed. I got the opportunity to walk around the space ship today. Everything is so much more advanced than I thought it would have been. One young alien boy showed me around, he took me into the kitchen and fed me this extremely disgusting but yet interesting food that they eat for snacks. He showed me where he lived and introduced me to his family. I had a normal dinner with them and they had said that none of the aliens are responsible for what has happened with the U.S encounters. It is their head of government and army officials that have agreed to cave into the U.S and their nasty goals for the World. We came up with a plan to resist against the government and military control. I am going to send a message back to everyone I know explaining what is going to happen and Zeda, the young alien boy, is going to rally everyone and resist what the government has planned for the future. It is extremely risky but if it means saving millions of lives I am willing to risk my own.

This was all the journals we found from the source. She is nowhere to be found.

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