Thursday, March 17, 2011

Daily Journal-I Onced Dreamed About...

I once dreamed that I was in Colorado with a bunch of random people that I didn't know. Some faces were familiar but others were new. We were on a raft in a turbulent river. Everyone was screaming because we had just hit a rough patch in the current. The tour guide of the raft kept yelling, "brace yourselves" for what was coming ahead. I look our in front of the ship and see that the river has a dip in it. The river further down is much lower then the part we are travelling on right now. All I could think about was not flying off of the raft into the strong current with sharp rocks in it. We made way to the small waterfall in the river when I swear the raft folded in half. The tour guide was yelling commands on how to row and others were clinging to the raft for dear life. When we finally made it out of the water tornado, our trip was done with. Getting off the raft everyone was in shock and so happy to be on land again. Then I woke up and got ready for school. The end.

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