Friday, February 25, 2011

3 People to the Dinner Table

Three people that I would invite to have dinner with me, living or dead, would have to be Beyonce, Elvis Presley and my grandma Jeanette Hanson. I would invite my grandma because she is my hero. She is so loving and caring of others and she would do anything to be at any of my events in life. My grandma can really have a ball too, she is very funny and always  optimistic. Also coming to my dinner would be Beyonce, she is also one of my idols because she is very strong willed and not afraid to show who she really is. I would also like to learn some sick dance moves to her music. I would invite Elvis Presley because he was a total heart throbe back when and I like his music. At the dinner he could teach me how to do his signiture pelvic knee twist thing he does. The reason I would invite Beyonce and Elvis is because they are both singers but from opposite sides of the music scale. I think with my grandma there and two very diverse singers, my dinner party would be one hell of a time.

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