Friday, April 8, 2011

Twist Ending Story

            Sophie Runing P.2
Short Story
            I am going to tell this story exactly how I can remember.
            It all started back when Kevin and I were in kindergarten together. He was new in town and I was adventurous. Kevin moved into the house right across the street from mine. We would always play house together in my tree house, or run through the sprinklers in our bathing suits, or on the days when I really felt nice we would play dress up for me and super heroes for him. We did everything together that year, and every year up until our sophomore year in high school. As far as I can remember back, Kevin and I never got into any fights, sure we disagreed, but we were the best of friends and a silly argument was not going to break that.
            I remember back in the third grade, we were at recess one fall afternoon. It was a little chilly out and I had spilled juice all over my jacket. So Kevin kindly offered me his. It was extremely large and had patches all over it. I looked like an overstuffed marshmallow in it. A group of boys came up to me and started teasing me; they pushed me to the ground and threw rocks at me. Kevin saw this and ran over to the group of boys, you could see the anger in his eyes, his face flush red. He approached the boy who initially pushed me to the ground and threw a punch right at his nose. The boy fell to the ground crying, while the others started to push and shove Kevin. Teachers came running to the scene to take him to the principal’s office. He told me later that day that when the principal asked why he did such a thing he said,
            “I don’t like seeing Rachel get hurt.”
That night Kevin’s mother got a phone call from the principal, and explained everything that happened that day. When the principal told his mother what he had said his mother burst into to tears, hung up the phone, and hugged Kevin for the longest time.
            I will never forget that day. That was the first time anyone had really stood up for me.
            When Kevin and I got into high school we were still very good friends, but we had other friends and choose our own paths. Kevin was smart, athletic, and popular. I was weak, and socially awkward. I became involved with drugs and alcohol. When a big party over the weekend was busted by the cops everyone blamed me for it. I had been in the upstairs bedroom with a guy that I don’t even know the name of. He pressured me into having sex with him and when I refused he hit me over the head, the next thing I remember was waking up on the bed around midnight, and it felt like I had just been hit by a train. I called the cops suspecting I had been raped. I had no clue that everyone was still downstairs. When the cops showed up they initially asked for Rachel Windorff, but when the police noticed the aroma of alcohol in the air, that’s when everyone was in trouble. Many of the kids at the party were fined and given a minor, unfortunately they never figured out who was in the room with me that night.
            For the next few months I was teased, threatened, bullied, humiliated, picked on, and anything else that could make you feel like you’re the most worthless piece of shit in the world. That was when I turned to Kevin. He took me under his wing, walking me to every single one of my classes. He drove me to school, and even sat with me at lunch. He couldn’t stand the fact that I was being tortured the way I was for something that wasn’t my fault.
            Everyday I would walk home after school. Kids would drive by and yell vulgar words, and say horrible things. They would throw things at me: soda cans, food, even rocks. When Kevin found out that this happened he took action into his own hands. Unfortunately it was not the least bit healthy way to take care of the problem.
            Rewinding back to the third grade, we were playing super heroes in his house on a rainy afternoon. Kevin was hiding from me in hopes that I, being the villain, would not find him. I ran downstairs into the basement as my last resort and hope to find him. Sure enough I did. When I got downstairs he was holding his dads riffle. It was enormous for his hands and the weight was unbearable for a third grader. He gave it to me and I immediately dropped because it was so heavy. His mom raced downstairs with the sound of the thud emanating on the floor. Kevin was holding the gun when his mom reached the end of the stairs. She froze in her steps, and said,
            “Honey please put that back right where you found it right this instant!”
            Kevin did just as his mother told him to. She raced towards us and started reprimanding him. Kevin had no idea what he was getting in trouble for; he didn’t think he had done anything wrong. A couple years ago we talked about what happened that day. He said he never even thought about how bad the situation could have ended up. That was the first, but not the last time he held a gun.
            The day was April 26th 2010. Exactly two months after the party incident had happened. The teasing was still going on. Kevin told me not to worry, that everything was going to okay; he would take care of it. I thought that meant that he would go and talk to the kids bullying me. That is not what it meant in his mind though.
            I believe that everyone has a little depression in them. About four years ago, Kevin’s dad committed suicide. It came from out of the blue. No one even would have thought he was the slightest bit sad because he always seemed happy. As Kevin and I took our separate ways, we didn’t have the same connection we had had before. I couldn’t tell when he was having a bad day, or he just got grounded at home.
            7:30, April 26th 2010, the bell rang; everyone took their seats in homeroom. The day was going completely normal; the usual push or shove in the hallway, degrading comments said from across the hall etcetera. When lunch came around Kevin showed up late. I didn’t think anything of it until he sat down and said,
            “Sorry I’m late, I was just getting prepared, you know?”
            I acted like I knew what he was talking about when really I had no clue in the world what was going on. The straight out of the blue, Kevin pulled out a hauntingly familiar object, the gun we had “played with” as kids.
            “Kevin, what the hell do you think you’re doing right now? Put that down!” I exclaimed at the site of the riffle sitting comfortably in his hand, as if he had been practicing.
            “This is for your own good, Rachel.” He said. Then climbed up on the table and proclaimed himself as if he was king of the school.
            “LISTEN UP! Many of you have been torturing my best friend Rachel, for a mistake that didn’t mean any harm. I am sick and tired of all the bullying that has been happening to her. IT ENDS NOW!” And with those words, he opened fired on the cafeteria filled with innocent kids, students, athletes, merit scholars, big sisters, little brothers, captains, band enthusiast, friends, and family. I covered my head, the next thing I know I am being carried out to a crowd of people and at least twenty ambulances. Slowly I awoke to come back to reality. Then the shock set in. I started screaming and once again passed out in the EMT’s arms.
            When I woke up I was laying in a hospital bed, my family all surrounding me. A bullet had ricochet off of me and hit me in the arm. Waking up and feeling the love from my family, everything turned to a blur from there.
            Kevin is in jail for what he did. He wants to talk to me but I don’t think I will ever go and talk to him; maybe when I am older. For now I will carry with me that fact that a sick minded teenager, stuck up for me in the worst possible way. That day 4 teachers, 13 students, and 2 faculty members were shot and killed. This memory will be something that stays with me forever and ever.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Daily Journal- About the Class

-the poetry unit: new ways of writing, different looks on writing, different ways to write poetry
-lyrics: new song everyday, wide variety, good start to the morning
-sitting where i want to sit
-lots of freedom
-daily journals: free prompts where i could write about anything, pictures were easy to write about
-short stories with a twist ending: free to write about anything, add own personal experiences and writing styles
-minimal homework
-time to work on homework in class
-new writing sites to look at for future class projects
-the science fiction story: it was a hard topic to write about, hard to come up with something science fiction if your not into that subject. difficult to fill 5 pages
-daily journals: boring prompts, hard to write about prompts
-the twist ending story we read on the Internet: extremely boring!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Daily Journal-Worst Experience at a Restaurant

I hate my job. I work at a pizza place and every time I come home from work I smell like a giant, greasy, onion. To make things even worse, I smell like that the next day no matter what I do. When you first walk into the restaurant you get a giant waft of the pizza aroma. After about 10 minutes it goes away and you just acquire the smell. The uniform that I wear has a permanent smell of pizza and onions on it no matter how many times I wash it it will be there for eternity. When I am working I can feel my skin become greasy and oily from the grease of the pizza in the air. Touchy all the cold, wet, slimy, greasy ingredients is a pain because then it gets under your nails and all over your hands, which makes them smell even worse. There is so much work that also goes into making the pizzas. Most of them are gourmet pizzas so they have an enormous amount of strange toppings on them. Also when putting the ingredients on the pizza they must go in a special order according to the way they cook. Preparing the boxes that the pizzas are delivered in is also a pain. They give you cardboard slivers and cut your hands. The worst part about my job is all the dishes. For every pizza there is at least two dishes to wash. The pans that the pizzas are baked in have burned ingredients stuck to them along with grease all over them. All the utensils that go into preparing the ingredients seems like it takes 5 years to wash them all. Everything is prepared in the store. We make our own sauce, dough, we cut all the vegetables, as well as prepare little dipping sauces. This calls for a lot of tedious work that is excruciatingly boring. All the cleaning that goes into the job is off the chart. Mopping floors, cleaning the counters, tables and walls, changing dirty ingredient buckets. I hate my job.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Daily Journal-Restaurant

I would open a snack shop up on daytona beach in florida. I would also have a store in tamarindo, costa rica on playa tamarindo. I would sell snack foods, meals, smoothies, and all different drink assortments. The restaurant would be a little shack on the edge of the beach, you could eat there at the bar or simply take your food to go. College kids work at my restaurant as well as other randoms. My restaurant would be a big success because daytona beach is a very busy place, and everyone gets hungry and thirsty at the beach, especially on spring break.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sciece Fiction Story

 July 16th 2011:
            Today has been an extreme break through kind of day. For the past five years now I have been studying aliens; their encounters, their trails left behind, and their sightings around the world. It was tonight that everything has now come together. I was sitting on my back porch, the time was about 12:30 pm, when out of the middle of nowhere in the big black sky, a flash of what looked like lightning came shooting out of the sky. I knew that it was not lightning because the light zapped down but then shined on a specific spot, not moving for about 2 minutes. My mouth dropped at the site of this. The light was extremely bright, but the strike was dead silent. Coming from the sky was a faint green light at the source of the bright, beaming strobe light. I wanted to go get my video camera but didn’t want to miss anything. I have captured a picture on my phone for evidence but the light was so intense the picture turns out a shining white.
 July 17th 2011:
            I met with my friend Gregory Smirnoff for lunch today. He works with the CIA and is extremely involved at the white house. He was in the military for awhile but while on leave took up a job with the CIA. Now he is studying intensively on aliens and creatures from outer space to help provide answers to the public on their sightings of foreign creatures. Gregory has always giving me insight on things he has been working on but nothing as extensive as what he told me today. He claims that the government is working with the aliens. They have come up with a way to communicate with them and have become allies with the aliens to try and take over the world. The government wants to wipe out massive amounts of people to start fresh with a new way of life. Advancements in technology and weapons, ways of eating and life would all be renewed in the wipeout of the universe. I was in shock when I heard this come out of my best friend’s mouth. At first I didn’t believe it but now it is really starting to sink in. I am worried for my life.
July 18th 2011:
            I cannot believe how fast word can travel. I am now on a flight to Italy, hoping it will buy me some time. The CIA found out that Gregory leaked word of their mass destruction and ally plans with the aliens. It turns out the Gregory had shared this information not just with me but with all his family and friends. He said he did it to keep them all safe. Instead it was just the opposite. Searches have gone out to capture the ones Gregory had told about the secret information. That is why I am on this plane to Italy. I need more research and more evidence to convince others that what the U.S has going on behind walls is true.
July 20th 2011:
            I cannot remember what happened to me yesterday. The last thing that I can recall is stepping off the airplane and experiencing intense heat along with an extreme bright light. I am in an unfamiliar place. There is gas blowing out of pipes and many different pieces of equipment that I have never been exposed to before. Lights are dim and all I have with me is the clothes on my back and the journal and pen in my hand. It is like I am an animal trapped inside a cage. I am very afraid.
July 23rd 2011:
It is cold where I am and I am very hungry. Last night I heard noises coming from the hallway that is right down from where I am being held captive. I can see glowing from down the hall way and small foreign noises in the distance. Still there is not a sight of any human. I do not know where I am and will probably die in the near future. If you find this journal please do not destroy it, it is the only thing left of me on this earth.
July 24th 2011:
            I am utterly speechless as to what has happened to me today. Yes I am back in my cage but I saw aliens in the flesh, along with humans, secret service men of the United States. I am appalled that they are using me for my information and are holding me captive. I find out that I am in a space ship run by aliens. The humans took me out of my cage last night to feed me. The sat me down and demanded answers. How did I find out about aliens, where did I get my information? All these questions I couldn’t answer for the fact that it was my information and to help save my friends butt. Now that I am exposed to who is keeping my hostile I will no longer be able to live a normal life again.
July 26th 2011:
            Everyone demands answers. They hit me, taunt me, tease me, and threaten me for answers. I am nearing breaking my edge. Next time they ask me questions I will answer them. I give myself no choice but to cave in rather than be beat and brutalized.  
July 28th 2011:
            Yesterday I was asked questions and had no choice but to answer. They accepted what I had to say but never believed what I had to say. They still tortured me and taunted me but once I started to give them answers about how I had been tracking alien encounters for the past 10 years they started listen. I had told them about how I had seen bright lights just days before I was taken and how the etchings in the streets of New York City matched up with what I had read in books and on the internet. They had recorded everything that I had said and kept me locked in a room for me to sit and think about more information that I could tell them.
August 2nd 2011:
            The aliens are almost human like. They look just like humans, their body statures are a little taller then what a normal human would be and their hair is very dark brown. When they get angry their mouths open extremely large and their fangs shoot out of their mouth. The way they exercise is they battle each other. One usually ends up critically injured or killed. I got the opportunity to walk around the space ship today. Everything is so much more advanced than I thought it would have been. One young alien boy showed me around, he took me into the kitchen and fed me this extremely disgusting but yet interesting food that they eat for snacks. He showed me where he lived and introduced me to his family. I had a normal dinner with them and they had said that none of the aliens are responsible for what has happened with the U.S encounters. It is their head of government and army officials that have agreed to cave into the U.S and their nasty goals for the World. We came up with a plan to resist against the government and military control. I am going to send a message back to everyone I know explaining what is going to happen and Zeda, the young alien boy, is going to rally everyone and resist what the government has planned for the future. It is extremely risky but if it means saving millions of lives I am willing to risk my own.

This was all the journals we found from the source. She is nowhere to be found.

Daily Journal-Picture

I just got so angry at my old girlfriend that I smashed the lamp she gave me with the chair she gave me.  She was never a very nice person although she was always buying me gifts. For example, that god awful chair that I am smashing the hideous lamp with were both gifts from her. She thought that making things was much better then going out and buying things but in the end she was always buying items to make her crap out of. It is a relief not to have her in my life anymore. She cramped my style and cluttered my space. As a result of us meeting is this photo that basically describes our relationship.
The table was also made by her to. Piece of crap.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Daily Journal-Behind Her the Noise Escalated

Behind her the noise escalated and screaming voices grew stronger. Sitting at the front of the roller coaster her heart was pumping faster then it had ever beat before. The climb was nearing the top and the drop was at our finger tips. Up up and over the roller coaster went. Screaming girls and yelling boys all threw there arms up in the air without a care in the world. Dips and drops and curves and turns jolted everyone in their seats. Upside down loop de loops made everyone scream for dear life. Into the tunnel, smile for the camera! As the ride came to its end everyone was energized by excitment. Rushing out of their seats to take a look at their photo and sprint back into line to ride again.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Daily Journal-The Clock Winked

The clocked winked, skipped time and then stoped. Anticipation grew stronger and stronger. It was the last day of school and summer was in the air. Day dreaming of sleepovers, late nights, bonfires, cabin trips, and soaking up the sun. I love summer because there is so much to do! Although my days are busy from waking up at 5:15 in the morning to go to swim practice till 8, coming home and doing chores. Hanging out with friends, soaking up the sun on my deck, working, or simply enjoying the weather outside. There are endless ways to spend a summer day. At night I have softball practice and finish the day off with friends till late in the night watching a movie or sitting around a bonfire. One thing I will miss the most this summer is my best friend Megane Trabon. She stayed with us last summer for a month as an exchange student from France. We never had a dull moment in that month of summer. This summer I plan on having my own garden and growing lots of fresh vegetables. I also plan on being outside, being with family, and being with friends enjoying the bitter sweet times of summer.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Daily Journal-Spring Break

Over spring break I went to Orlando, Florida with the softball team. It was so much fun! 85 degree weather everyday and not a cloud in the sky. We arrived late Saturday night and just explored the resort we were staying at. Sunday the team spent half the day at the beach and the other half at the Disney parks. We went to Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom, and finished the day at Magic Kingdom for their castle show. Because we were staying at a resort on Disney property, we were allowed at Magic Kingdom until 2 am. Utilizing our minimal time in Florida, we decided to stay untill we were forced out of the parks. The next day we spent with a 6 hour softball practice and relaxing on the beach. Tuesday, we had our first games. We played a double header and won both. On top of two games, we had a 2 hour practice before that. When we got back to the resort, we all crashed on the beach soaking up the sun. Wednesday we had a 2 hour practice and 1 game and had the rest of the day to sit at the beach or go to the parks. Thursday we had our last game in the morning so we had a majority or the hot sunshine for parks and the beach. Friday was our last day at the resort. We had a practice and then an intersquad scrimmage. That night the team played ditch and mafia on the beach to close an amazing week. Saturday was our check out day but we didnt have to leave for the airport till about 5:30, so we spent the day at Universal's, Islands of Adventure. Harry Potter land was so amazing, like you were actually in Hogwartz. Overall the trip was extremly worth it. The weather was beautiful, we had our share of softball, as well as free time and there was so much to do at the resort. It was a trip I will never forget.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Daily Journal-Spoon in a Dishwasher

I have just been used to eat yogurt and now that I am covered in sweet vanilla yogurt its time for my washing in the dishwasher. I am placed in the silverware rack with all the other dirty utinsels awaiting to be cleaned. The dish soap is poured and the start button is pressed. Warm steam fills the air and water begins to mix with the soap. The water is all wishy washy and begins to clean away the yogurt on me. The warm water and misty steam is oh so relaxing. When the wash is done I am taken out, and put away for the next time that I am needed.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Daily Journal-Helping Mankind

I would invent a glue that could fix any problem. Broken car part? It would fix it. Broken heart? It would fix it. Ripped homework? It would fix it. Life would be so much better if glue was invented to fix anything broken or ruined.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Daily Journal-I Onced Dreamed About...

I once dreamed that I was in Colorado with a bunch of random people that I didn't know. Some faces were familiar but others were new. We were on a raft in a turbulent river. Everyone was screaming because we had just hit a rough patch in the current. The tour guide of the raft kept yelling, "brace yourselves" for what was coming ahead. I look our in front of the ship and see that the river has a dip in it. The river further down is much lower then the part we are travelling on right now. All I could think about was not flying off of the raft into the strong current with sharp rocks in it. We made way to the small waterfall in the river when I swear the raft folded in half. The tour guide was yelling commands on how to row and others were clinging to the raft for dear life. When we finally made it out of the water tornado, our trip was done with. Getting off the raft everyone was in shock and so happy to be on land again. Then I woke up and got ready for school. The end.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Daily Journal-I Wish Someone Had Told Me...

I wish someone had told me that geese hiss and snap when they feel they are intruded. I was riding my bike last summer on the sidewalk of a busy road. There was a huge flock of geese on the side of the road and spilling onto the sidewalk. There was no way around it. So I slowly ride my bike up to the pack of geese. I start to make my way through when they start hissing at me. Their beaks open wide and they start to snap. One tries to get my shoe while another goes for my wheel. My mom had told me before that if I ever got attacked by a crazy animal, to kick it in its mouth. I was to afraid out of my mind to do that. So I spead up and plow right through all the geese and their nasty feeces everywhere and make it out of the situation alive. Now when I see a flock of geese on the side walk I cross the street no matter where I am to avoid the situation at all cost.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Brain Storm Ideas

how I became frozen:
-I saw something I shouldn't have and they captured me and froze me
-The Ice Age had taken over while I was in Greenland
-I am investigating a case on aliens and the government comes after me and locks me up frozen for 100 years

what the world is like:
-an alien ship from the planet Venus has come to new york city and wants to "be friends"
-there are advances in technology such as jet packs, extreme cell phones, teleporters, medicine treatments etc...
-no one has seen an alien before but there had been rumors that they are there.
-people have become immune to most diseases due to the advances in medicine
-everyone thinks that the aliens and martians are going to be nice but they are really there to take over the world.
-govt officials have become traders against their country and turned to the dark side of the aliens
-shops and restaurants and entertainment is basically the same
-the aliens try to come and conquer the world.
-when the aliens come they put on disguises to look like normal human beings
-no one know who is an alien and who is not, except for in the broad daylight they get slight red spots on the undersides of their palms.

Daily Journal-Guy in a Car

So this very old wrinkley man comes up to me and says
"Hey sunny, you want to see something cool?"
I look at him with this strange look on my face and think, can I trust this guy? So I say,
"What the heck, lets see what you got!"
The old man takes me around the corner of the building, down an alley and into an old squeaky door. Inside this biulding was the most insane things that I had ever seen. Things you could never even imagine being made into things that you wouldnt even believe. The most spactacular of them all was a giant shoe remade into a car. It was the most incredible thing I had ever seen. He asked me if I wanted to drive it around the block and that is where this wonderful picture came from.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Daily Journal-My Journey on a Pirate Ship

This year my family decided that we would take a cruise around the world for the summer. The beaches in Mexico and Hawaii were beautiful. The food in Italy was amazing, and the culture in Australia was flawless. The trip was great til we came to the coast of South Africa. It was at this point in time that I feared my life and my family's life. They signaled to the captain to surrender his ship. After he refused they threatened to bomb the boat, so the captain gave in. The pirates boarded the ship and started to ran sack the deck. Finally all came to a silent wash of the ocean waves. The pirates were no where to be found. Everyone came out from hiding when all of a sudden a loud crank and screech came from the lower deck of the ship. They were tearing down huge pipes built into the ships. The pirates tore threw the ship and soon it was sinking. All the passengers scurried to get on the life boats. Everyone sailed away accounted for leaving all their belongings behind.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Daily Journal-Huge Rabbit

This is a picture of my pet rabbit Lue. My dad, the man in the picture, caught it while he was out hunting last weekend. He gave it to me for getting an A on my math test. Lue likes to play fetch with the old car tires that we have out back. He also likes to sit in the wagon while I pull him, we call that our "wagon walks". Because Lue is extremley large for his species type there are not any rabbit cages to fit him, so he sleeps in a dog kennel. Lue gets cold in the winter so we have to buy him a coat out of childrens section at KMart. By the end of the winter it usually has a hole in it right near his left shoulder blade from scratching there. Lue eats anything we feed him. His favorites are mac and cheese, butternut cream pie, and left over meatloaf. Lue loves to watch t.v. His favorite channel is the food network and bravo. In his free time, Lue likes to read books, eat, sleep, watch television, sleep, eat, sleep, sleep, and eat. Lue is my favorite rabbit out of the 13 that my dad has brought back for me.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Daily Journal-Fictional Character

When the whole world found out that Miley Stewert was actually Hannah Montana her whole life was flipped upside down. It was at a benefit concert in her home town of Crowley Corners. She had been there for about 2 weeks now and finally, things seemed normal. So when she went up on stage and took her wig off to show people who she really  was many photos were snapped and leaked on the Internet. She was devastated. Her precious secret had been exposed more then she thought it would have. So, she went on Jay Leno as Hannah Montana at the beginning of the show and walked off as Miley Stewert revealing herself to the world on late night television. Having done this her dad and best friends were now exposed too. In the next few weeks of her life Miley would be mobbed by reporters and spied on by the paparazzi. Embarrassing pictures would be taken and leaked all over the Internet. Many of her friends would be in shock and want to be her friend even more because of who she is. Miley was really sad so she flew to Australia and lived there for the rest of her life in a shack on the beach of a lone island off the coast. Every week her dad would drop food and hygene supplies from a helicopter and that was how she survived for the next 7 years of her life. After 7 years of living on this island she decided that it was time to go back home and start life over, pick up where she left off; minus all the drama. And thats exactly what she did. the end.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Pictures Worth a Thousand Words

A Pictures Worth a Thousand Words by Sophie Runing

Daily Journal-Stack of Paper

                        "Oh my gosh I've waited my whole life to be shredded!"
The time had finally come for me to be put through the paper shredder. I was excited to the point where I couldn't even breathe anymore. Ha yeah, as if paper can actually breathe. So many new worlds can be explored after being sent through the paper shredder. This was the moment I have been waiting for. When it came to my turn in the stack of papers I screamed with joy and enthusiasm. Most people think that being sent through the paper shredder is a bad thing. Well, that's from your point of view. In a piece of papers eyes it is like going to heaven. Being shredded gives you the opportunity to travel all over the world being used for different tasks like stuffing in a package that could be sent to China, or even fake fluffy snow in a store around Christmas time. The opportunities are endless! The man grabs a stack of paper and I'm next in line at the very top of the stack. When the paper ahead of me is finished being shredded the man walks away. So I think well maybe he had to use the restroom of finish another tasks first. But, no. The man walked away and never came back and I sat there on the top of the paper stack waiting to be shredded.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Daily Journal-Marian Bartsch and Joey Catsalgi

Marian grew up on a little farm in Pennsylvania. She lived with her mom, Merium, her dad, Dale, her grandmother, Luanne, her grandfather, Bill, and all her aunts and uncles. Marian grew up with many people and many animals including pigs, cows, horses, and of course chickens. Marian didn't have very many friends and was a bit socially awkward, so when she went to New York she was a bit flabbergasted. She decided to go eat lunch at a chic cafe where she showed up in her overalls and straw hat. This is where she met Joey. Joey was very nice and started up a conversation with Marian. They talked for awhile and eventually Joey took Marian out sit seeing. They became the best of friends.

Final Poem

I wish someone had told me that it was okay to be free
To fly like the wind and just let it be

Not a care in the world
Out on my own

Adventure awaits around every corner
Where silence sits, I bring laughter

Mismatching clothes is okay in my mind
When I step out side I like to scream

Daily Journal-The Perfect Day

It would be hard to pack everything I want to do in my life into one day. First, I would start the morning off with having breakfast with Beyonce. Next I would jet set over to Paris and meet my friend Megane there and we would spend a few hours shopping. We would then have lunch together and take the train down to the coast. Megane and I would spend some time at the beach before I had to leave to go to Austrailia to go sky diving with my dad. I would then end the day in New York City with Taylor Swift partying. There are many more things that I would like to do in my life but if tomorrow was my last day thats how I would spend it.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Villanelle Poem

The soft wind on a falls afternoon makes my cheeks blush
Leaves are rustling and everyone's raking
Pumpkins are being carved and set out in the hush
Life is sprawling all around in the town
Everyone is preparing for the winter ahead by baking
Family hunkers down and loved ones kiss and blush
The temperature goes down
Everyone is around thanking                                                             
What soft and elegant brush of the leaves making
Me chilled with excitement that its almost Halloween taking
Me by surprise I await with great anticipation of what is baking
Life is good and plush
Leaves are bright and lush
I am calm cool and easy about awaiting
Hush hush for all is calm and breaking
What not I do is not worth taking
With love and might I risk love breaking
Its a first date, walk in the green and red forest which is lush
Sometimes I await with patients and time taking

10 Most Important Moments

1.    Hosting a foreign exchange student, Megane, from France.
2.    Family vacation to Costa Rica
3.    Being on a swim team
4.    Owning a dog
5.    Meeting Breanna Schelgel
6.    Meeting Kelsey Deinhammer
7.    Playing softball
8.    Christmas with the whole family
9.    January 28th, 2011
10.  Spending time with my grandparents

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Etheree Poem

down my head
i take deep breathes
my knees become weak
my hands begin shaking
the room becomes dead silent
my mouth becomes very dry
the room temperature sky rockets
i open my mouth to say my first word

Daily Journal-How Ridiculous

How ridiculous I was as a synchronized swimmer. I could hold my breath for over a minute with my head under water twisting and turning my feet above water. When I jumped gracefully into the water there was not a single water droplet to drench my audience. My rountines would be serious or silly and goofy, to entertain my audience. With my feet flocking above the water my arms moved rapidly to keep myself up. You would think I had arms like an octopus in order to keep myself up. But I didnt, I just had two. The way I swam up and down the pool, doing flips and cartwheels in the water, mesmorized my audience. I was the queen of all queens when it came to synchronized swimming. I was the name in the head lines and the talk on the street. If you came to my show you would be utterly impressed with the way that I could twirl, twist, groove and fly in the water. My other team mates didnt stand a chance standing out against me. I was number one.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Acrostic Poem

Sophie Runing is above average
Optimistic and outgoing
Peter loves me 
Happy to be around friends and family
Inspiring to others
Excited to travel

Running sucks but I do it anyway
Umbrellas: no need, when dancing in the rain
Not even close to average
Intellectual beyond reason
No need to be negative
Girls just want to have fun

Daily Journal-Change the World

If I could change the world in any way I wouldn't start with my own government I would start with the world as a whole. First off, I would eliminate all nuclear weapons. They cause mass distruction on communities and countries. Nuclear weapons can wipe out a huge group of people or even a whole race that could truly be beneficial to the world in the future. Next I would eliminate the hatred between religions and races of people. Everyone fights over who is better then the other when really we are all equal. Sure some countries may be more advanced then others but that doesnt mean that that country is better then the other. Everyone has something to contribute. Next I would establish world peace where everyone got along. Hatred would be abolished and respect would be established. I am not saying that you would have to be friends with everyone, what I am saying is, love your neighbor as you loved yourself.

Concrete Poem

In my folder

Monday, February 28, 2011

Daily Journal: The House was Made Of

The house was made of gummy bears and gram crackers. The front door was placed strategically in the center to catch the eye of on lookers. I was made out of frosting and outlined in licorice. The windows on the house, one on each side of the door, were outlined in licorice. Frosting on the bottom of the windows were designed to look like flowers. On the other three sides of the house were three windows each placed in a different unique spot. The most eye catching aspect of the house was the star on top. Its twinkle so bright you had to squint to get a good look at it. Although the stick it sat on was a little wobbly, the star shined brighter then the moon. Out on the front lawn sit a blue mailbox. Along with the mailbox was flowers sprinkled all over the grass, and next to the front door sit a bright red wagon. On the front porch, where the wagon sit, near the door, stand a gingerbread girl named Gabby. She was quite friendly and caring. Her most favorite thing to do was bake Christmas cookies for all her friends. Gabby was always striking up conversations with strangers and thats what made her so unique. She had a pet ginger dog named Wilbur who loved Gabby's cookies. Gabby's gingerbread house was the most beautiful on the street, with the flowers in the licorice windows to the twinkling star so bright you had to squint when looking at it.

Friday, February 25, 2011


one night upon a tree top i had sit
for it was midnight and i was alone
all was calm in the dead of  the moon light
awaiting for someone to walk on by
i sit there waiting for my love of mine
all by myself i feel it sinking in
he has not loved as for i have loved him
in the moon light soft and silently dark
in the dead of the night i hear crickets
humming in the light of the crescent moon
for through the light of the moon i see him
he approaches the bottom of the tree
the love of my life has arrived tonight
he has loved me as i have loved within                                                                         

3 People to the Dinner Table

Three people that I would invite to have dinner with me, living or dead, would have to be Beyonce, Elvis Presley and my grandma Jeanette Hanson. I would invite my grandma because she is my hero. She is so loving and caring of others and she would do anything to be at any of my events in life. My grandma can really have a ball too, she is very funny and always  optimistic. Also coming to my dinner would be Beyonce, she is also one of my idols because she is very strong willed and not afraid to show who she really is. I would also like to learn some sick dance moves to her music. I would invite Elvis Presley because he was a total heart throbe back when and I like his music. At the dinner he could teach me how to do his signiture pelvic knee twist thing he does. The reason I would invite Beyonce and Elvis is because they are both singers but from opposite sides of the music scale. I think with my grandma there and two very diverse singers, my dinner party would be one hell of a time.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Assonance Writing Assignment

The buzz and hum from the forest
The hustle and bustle of leaves
Move and grove in the wind
The lake is naked for it is midnight
All is still in the midst of midnight
Life no longer prospers
The rain pitter patters on the still window sill
For at midnight life no longer prospers
Except the life of the night revolves around the animals
They prance and dance for no one is around
Although the hum and buzz and hustle and bustle from nature
Life no longer prospers in the silent of the night

Time in my Life I was Scared

I cant recall the scariest moment in my life but I know there have been numerous times that I have been scared. I am extremely afraid of spiders. So during the summer one year there was a huge spider on my wall. It wasn't one of the gross jumping ones or the ones that just chill in one place. This thing was massive, it jumped and ran super fast too. So I notice this nasty black thing on my wall and start screaming my head off. My brother Garrett comes into my room because at the time we were the only two home. He grabs a Kleenex to kill it but the thing flys off my wall and starts running on my floor. I start screaming my head off even louder. Of course the windows are open so I am sure my neighbors thought someone was hurt. Garrett snipes the spider right before it crawls under my bed and kills it. Now, I know its dead but to torment me even more he comes at me with the dead spider tissue. My heart rate is probably about 195 at least. So I run downstairs and outside, why outside, I have no idea, there are probably going to be even bigger spiders out there. I end up sitting in my car for at least 10 minutes to cool down. Once again, why my car, I have no clue, I am sure there was a big daddy long leg living in there. Long story short, I hate spiders, when I see one I start screaming and my heart rate sky rockets.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Wordle: Untitled

Free Daily Journal

i dont know what to write about i dont know what to write about i dont know what to write about i dont know what to write about i dont know what to write about i dont know what to write about i dont know what to write about i dont know what to write about i dont know what to write about i dont know what to write about i dont know what to write about i dont know what to write about i dont know what to write about i dont know what to write about. my light scribe just turned on. whatever that means. honestly i dont know what to write about. i am extremly tired and garrett has sections tonight, unfortunatly he is a little under the weather, but i really want him to do well. i have a lot of homework to do because i didnt do much last night. instead i did some laundry and put my clothes away and went to lifetime and watch the new life time movie amanda knox: trial in italy. it was pretty good i guess for a lifetime movie. last night it was really cold in my house. i have my lyrics assignment due for tomorrow  and i dont know what to do for it. so i guess thats cool. i think i have no figured out something to write about and that is my friend megane. megane lives in france, she is one of my best friends. she stayed at my house for a month as a forgein exchange student. it was so much fun and i love her to death. i am planning on visiting her next summer for a whole month and we might even go to new york together with my mom and her mom. it is a bit difficult to make plans though with her mom because she speaks a small amount of english. but she is very nice! this is my first post that i havnt done any capital letters for. its cool, not having to hold the shift key down. alright two minutes left. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight twenty nine thirty i hate spelling twenty. it is sort of hard to do on the key board. i need a new job. i hate making pizzas and smelling like onions all the time. gross. i mean seriously that is not okay with me. i like shoes.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Alliteration Poem

The cute cuddly caring teddy bear
Sits silently slouched on the chair
Wearing a rosy red ribbon in her hair
She's sincerley someone who cares.

She is courageous caring colorful and aware
She is sweet sensible shy and kind
She is a beautiful boucny bear
She is lovely laughable louring and mine

Earliest Childhood Memory

One of the earliest chilhood memories I can remeber was in preschool. We were having a day in class where are parents could come and we were going to ride around in the parking lot on our bikes. Unfortunatly I didnt know how to ride a bike at this point in time. So I started practicing early with my mom and dad out in the cul-de-sac. I had a hot pink bike with a bell on it, equipped with streamers flying off the ends of the handle bars, and of course training wheels. The way the kids in my class talked seemed as if they all  knew how to ride a bike without training wheels. I got very frusterated by this. So with the time that I had, my dad would help me learn how to ride a bike with no training wheels. Friday rolls around and its time for our big bike day. Although I had not learned how to ride a bike with out my training wheels by this time I was shocked to find out that I was not the only one! A few of my other classmates and kids from other classes did not know how to ride their bikes without training wheels. That day was so much fun for me, one for the fact that we got cupcakes, and the other for the fact that the kids who did know how to ride a bike without training wheels kept falling off their bikes, and me: I just kept cruising around!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sense of Time Poem

Spring break
Spring break is bright yellow
The color of the sun and flipflops
Spring break feels like warm, sun kissed cheeks
It sounds like ocean waves crashing against the shore
It smells like salt water and sun screen
Spring break tastes like fresh fruit
Spring break should be enjoyed while it lasts

Daily Journal About Shaking Hands

I was walking down the street one cold, December night when this man walks out of an alley. He appears to be in shock. His hands are shaking and body is trembling with fear. I walk over to him to see what had happened. He told me that he had just seen something remarkable.He says he doesnt know what it was exactly. The man described a space shuttle/ UFO and shined a very bright light on him and the last thing he saw was creepy aliens walking towards him. His hands were trembling and had somewhat of a greenish glow to them that had spread up his arms. I started getting a bit nervous when it got to his face and thats when I ran away because I didnt want to get eaten. The End.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Parts of Speech Poem

The Mall
Extravagant and Expensive
Shopping and Eating
Shopaholics Haven

Free Daily Journal

So today I got my schedule for spring break and I am super excited to go to Florida!! I get to play softball at the ESPN stadium which is way cool too! Also, uhh DISNEY WORLD!! I just came from math class and I took a test in that class and for the first time in my life I might actually get a somewhat decent score on it. Also, I was extremly stupid and woke up early to go to lifetime for a little while so im kind of draggin right now... I dont really have much going on in my life except that I am excited tomorrows Friday and we have a three day weekend! I have a lot of returning of clothes to do because these days clothes are really crappy and decide not to stay together. So I guess thats cool. I have a very large history packet due that I have made a small dent in due tomorrow along with a test in that class to. Unfortunatly it is not Maup-Tarts class and test are opened note so I actually have to study for this one. I really dont care for my french teacher because she doesnt actually teach the class. She talks in french non stop and sure its a lanugage class I get that but no one understands what she is saying except for the freaky geniouses in my class. I am happy and sad that it is getting warmer outside. I am sad because all the ice is melting and I like to figure skate with my best friend Breanna, but I am happy because now I am not freezing cold all the time!! I am super excited for spring break but my mom says I am  not allowed to go tanning before hand this year because of all the stuff shes learned about tanning in her medical classes that she is taking. She told me that tanning in a bed ranks right up there with smoking and the damage it does to your body. Today my horoscope said I was supposed to have a five star day. So far its been pretty good. I really have no idea what to write about really truly positivly for sure. I have a quiz in English that I need to read a few more pages of Catcher and the Rye for. Catcher and the Rye is an extremly boring book. Forney said its about character development but I havnt really seen much character development yet. I really dont like books with out a thrilling and gripping plot to it. I also like drama and modern day teenager, life happens, kind of books, if you know what I mean. So were getting down to the end of this and this class has become more of a blog class rather than creative writing I guess but its what ever. I wonder if Mr.Krebs is actually going to take the time to read this. Or anyones going to take the time to read this. For real this thing is lonnggg! My wrist hurt from resting them on the desk while typing so I think this is the end of it. So long!! <3

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cinquain Poem

 Sits by Peter
 In creative writing
 We are very good at writing
 So cool

Metaphor Poem

Two strikes
Runner on third
and two outs left in the game

I step into the box ready to hit the first pitch

Fortunatly I foul it off

I try again and yet another foul

I call time out to talk with my coach

He tells me everything is going to be okay and I need to calm down

I step back up to the plate

Take a swing

And out of the park the ball goes

Daily Journal

I wake up and try to take a deep breath, but the deeper the breath the more severe the pain. The ground is hard beneath my back, and I feel a dull pain in my arm. I see the sky above me and hear waves crashing. I cant remember what had happened to me. I am soaking wet and freezing cold. I try to sit up but the pain is to excruciating. My backpack lies only a few feet from my reach. As I struggle to reach for it I hear screaming. I try to look around with the small range of motion that I have. One of my ship mates is standing on a cliff above me screaming my name. I try to scream back but its no use; he cant hear me. I attempt to move my hand but it only budges a little bit. With him he has his rescue flag and not far from me is mine. He waves it back and forth as I try to reach my bag for mine. I pull on the rock with all my might and a dreadful pain spikes through my spine. I try again and reach the flag. I start to wave it vigorously back and fourth, hoping he would see that I am still alive. He waves his back in response to mine and with a big, yet painful sigh of relief I know that my life is going to be saved.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Best Friend Breanna

Breanna Schlegel is my best friend because, well there are so many reasons for that. She is extremely funny and super smart. She can always make me laugh. We have so many great memories together that it would take me a whole day to list all of them out. Breanna also has a big heart, I know that I can turn to her for advice and I know that she is always there for me. When I first met Breanna, I was in ninth grade, we were on the swim team together. She was extremely wild and I was a bit afraid of her. We grew really close that year and have become almost like sisters. Breanna has an amazing collection of shoes, and that's one thing we don't skimp out on. She has great style and always looks gorgeous, even if she doesn't think she does. Breanna is one of the only few that I will go shoe shopping with.
We have so many great memories and I think that is why we are such great friends, because we can goof around and not really care about anything else. I love her like my sister.

Similie Poem

The sun burning hot like a fire
The ocean clear as a crystal
The sand as fine as sugar
The culture. rich like chocolate
The water like a bath
The perfect vacation spot, Costa Rica

Monday, February 14, 2011

Similie Activity

1. A calendar is like a mirror because the tasks you have to do reflects who you are.
2. A sandwich is like a toddler because they are messy but you still love them.
3. An ice cube is like a cookie because they are both delicious.
4. A knife is like a whisper because it cuts quietly.
5. Kissing is like a careful collision because it could end in consequences.
6. A shaved rat feels like a peeled grape.
7. Peters hair feels like leftover spaghetti.
8. Falling in love sounds like fireworks because it has its up and downs.

9. A dentist’s drill feels like a punch to the face because it hurts, a lot.
10. Tomato soup tastes like bleeding hearts because hearts are red and full of blood and tomato soup is red and liquid.

Change Poem





Out of the Dark-Daily Journal

Out of the dark we came into the dangerous but yet exhilarating rapid waters in Colorado. As the raft rides the treacherous waves I squeal with excitement and terror. The rapids soon come to a nice consistent flow, I sigh with relief. On the bay kids are playing in the sand and I can hear the music of the adults playing up on shore. A loud trumpet roars out from the jazzy tune coming from the music player. The kids' crafty sand castles catch my attention and bring me back to my childhood here on the water. I smell the reek of hot dogs, hamburgers, and steaks being grilled on a charcoal grill up on shore which reminds me of my fathers cooking. Being here on the river reminds me of what home is really like.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Bucket List

1. Sit front row at a Tim McGraw concert
2. Go sky diving
3. Visit France
4. Watch the ball drop in New York
5. Go to Daytona Beach over spring break
6. Spend one month in 12 different countries
7. Run a marathon
8. Complete an iron man
9. Learn how to surf
10. Graduate college  

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I was very hungry so a grape I ate
When I ate it the grape was exceptionally great
It was dense and juicy
And made me a little loopy
So I ate eight